50+ Flowers For Parrots
I’ve compiled a list of flowers commonly used as food or teas in the table below. You may be wondering whether these are safe for birds or not. Based on whatever we know of today regarding the flowers, I’ve tried to indicate the relative safety of the flowers in one of the columns.
As with everything, please use this information with caution and don’t hesitate to do further reading up on each of the flowers to be absolutely sure. If you still have any doubt (avian nutrition is after all, a relatively recent field and we’re still trying to learn more about it everyday), the best would be to NOT use the flower in question.
And since I have Chinese heritage and part of a French family, I’ve also decided to put in the Chinese and French names of these flowers! I hope that this will help more people along the way. Let me know in the comments whether it’s helpful for you or not!
If you have discovered errors in the information, please drop me a note so that I can rectify it!
How to use flowers in your parrot’s diet
Flowers can be used fresh or dried, and there are different ways you can use them.
Many dried flowers can be steeped into tea, just be sure to let the tea cool down first before offering it to your parrots!
I also use dried flowers as foraging materials, which I scatter all over foraging trays for them to hunt for their favorite seeds.
Fresh flowers can also be used for foraging and some birds might like the nectar.
Regardless whether you use fresh or dried flowers, ensure that you clear them away regularly so that they do not rot and grow moldy.
Flower Name | Chinese Name | French Name | Scientific Name | Safe for Parrots | Key Nutritional Benefits |
Angelica | 当归 (dāng guī) | Angélique | Angelica archangelica | Yes | High in vitamins and minerals, supports digestion |
Anise hyssop | 洋茴香薄荷 (yáng huí xiāng bò hé) | Agastache fenouil | Agastache foeniculum | Yes | Contains antioxidants, supports digestive health |
Apple blossom | 苹果花 (píng guǒ huā) | Fleur de pommier | Malus domestica | Yes | Contains vitamins A and C, beneficial for skin health |
Basil flower | 罗勒花 (luó lè huā) | Fleur de basilic | Ocimum basilicum | Yes | Rich in antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties |
Bee balm | 蜂香草 (fēng xiāng cǎo) | Monarde | Monarda spp. | Yes | Contains vitamins A and C, supports respiratory health |
Bitter orange blossom | 苦橙花 (kǔ chéng huā) | Fleur d’oranger amer | Citrus aurantium | Yes | Rich in flavonoids, supports digestive health |
Borage | 琉璃苣 (liú lí jù) | Bourrache | Borago officinalis | Yes | High in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), supports skin and joint health |
Butterfly pea flower | 蝴蝶豌豆花 (hú dié wān dòu huā) | Pois bleu papillon | Clitoria ternatea | Yes | Rich in antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties |
Calendula (marigold) | 金盏花 (jīn zhǎn huā) | Souci | Calendula officinalis | Yes | High in flavonoids and carotenoids, supports skin health and wound healing |
Carnation | 康乃馨 (kāng nǎi xīn) | Œillet | Dianthus caryophyllus | Safe in moderation. Do not feed dyed varieties of carnation. | Contains vitamins and minerals, supports skin and digestive health |
Chamomile | 洋甘菊 (yáng gān jú)/春黄菊 (chūn huáng jú) | Camomille | Matricaria chamomilla (German chamomile) or Chamaemelum nobile (Roman chamomile) | Safe in moderation | Contains antioxidants that aid in treating infections and lessening swelling. Supports relaxation and digestive health |
Chrysanthemum | 菊花 (jú huā) | Chrysanthème | Chrysanthemum spp. | Safe in moderation | Rich in vitamins and minerals, supports eye health |
Cilantro flower | 香菜花 (xiāng cài huā) | Fleur de coriandre | Coriandrum sativum | Yes | Contains vitamins A, C, and K, supports detoxification |
Citrus blossom | 柑橘花 (gān jú huā) | Fleur d’agrumes | Citrus spp. | Yes | High in antioxidants, supports immune health |
Cornflower | 矢车菊 (shǐ chē jú) | Bleuet | Centaurea cyanus | Yes | Contains anthocyanins, supports urinary and digestive health |
Daisy | 雏菊 (chú jú) | Marguerite | Bellis perennis | Safe in moderation | Contains vitamins A and C, supports skin health |
Dandelion | 蒲公英 (pú gōng yīng) | Pissenlit | Taraxacum officinale | Yes | High in vitamins A, C, and K, supports liver and digestive health |
Daylilies | 萱草 (xuān cǎo) | Hémérocalle | Hemerocallis spp. | Yes | Contains vitamins A and C, supports immune health |
Echinacea | 紫锥花 (zǐ zhuī huā) | Échinacée | Echinacea spp. | Yes | Contains antioxidants, supports immune health |
Elderflower | 接骨木花 (jiē gǔ mù huā) | Fleur de sureau | Sambucus nigra | Safe in moderation | Rich in flavonoids, supports immune health |
Fennel flower | 茴香花 (huí xiāng huā) | Fleur de fenouil | Foeniculum vulgare | Yes | Contains antioxidants, supports digestive health |
Forsythia | 连翘 (lián qiào) | Forsythia | Forsythia spp. | Yes | Contains antiviral properties, supports respiratory health |
Fuchsia | 吊钟花 (diào zhōng huā) | Fuchsia | Fuchsia spp. | Yes | High in antioxidants, supports immune health |
Geranium | 天竺葵 (tiān zhú kuí) | Géranium | Pelargonium spp. | Safe in moderation | Contains antioxidants, supports skin health |
Gladiolus | 剑兰 (jiàn lán) | Glaïeul | Gladiolus spp. | Safe in moderation | High in vitamins and minerals, supports immune health |
Globe amaranth | 千日红 (qiān rì hóng) | Amarante globuleuse | Gomphrena globosa | Yes | Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, supports eye health |
Hibiscus | 木槿花 (mù jǐn huā)/芙蓉花 (fú róng huā) | Hibiscus | Hibiscus spp. | Yes | High in antioxidants, supports heart health |
Honeysuckle | 忍冬花 (rěn dōng huā)/金银花(jīn yín huā) | Chèvrefeuille | Lonicera spp. | Safe in moderation | Contains antioxidants, supports immune health |
Jasmine | 茉莉花 (mò lì huā) | Jasmin | Jasminum spp. | Yes – only the flowers, not jasmine tea, as it contains caffeine | High in antioxidants, supports relaxation |
Lavender | 薰衣草 (xūn yī cǎo) | Lavande | Lavandula spp. | Yes | Contains antioxidants, supports relaxation and skin health |
Lemon balm | 柠檬香蜂草 (níng méng xiāng fēng cǎo) | Mélisse | Melissa officinalis | Yes | Rich in antioxidants, supports digestive and mental health |
Lemon myrtle | 柠檬香桃木 (níng méng xiāng táo mù) | Myrte citronnée | Backhousia citriodora | Yes | High in antioxidants, supports respiratory and immune health |
Lemon verbena | 柠檬马鞭草 (níng méng mǎ biān cǎo) | Verveine citronnelle | Aloysia citrodora | Safe in moderation | Contains antioxidants, supports digestive health |
Lilac | 丁香花 (dīng xiāng huā) | Lilas | Syringa vulgaris | Yes | High in antioxidants, supports immune health |
Lily | 百合花 (bǎi hé huā) | Lys | Lilium spp. | No | Some species can be toxic to birds |
Lotus flower | 莲花 (lián huā) | Fleur de lotus | Nelumbo nucifera | Yes | Rich in vitamins and minerals, supports digestive health |
Magnolia (yulan) | 玉兰花 (yù lán huā) | Magnolia | Magnolia denudata | Yes | Contains antioxidants, supports respiratory health |
Mexican marigold | 墨西哥万寿菊 (mò xī gē wàn shòu jú) | Tagète | Tagetes erecta | Yes | Rich in antioxidants, supports skin health |
Mint flower | 薄荷花 (bò hé huā) | Fleur de menthe | Mentha spp. | Yes | Contains vitamins and minerals, supports digestive health |
Monk fruit / luohanguo flower | 罗汉果花 (luó hàn guǒ huā) | Fleur de fruit moine | Siraitia grosvenorii | Yes | Contains antioxidants, supports respiratory and digestive health |
Nasturtium | 旱金莲 (hàn jīn lián) | Capucine | Tropaeolum majus | Yes | High in vitamin C, supports immune health |
Osmanthus | 桂花 (guì huā) | Osmanthe | Osmanthus fragrans | Yes | Rich in antioxidants, supports respiratory health |
Pansy | 三色堇 (sān sè jǐn) | Pensée | Viola tricolor var. hortensis | Yes | High in vitamins A and C, supports skin health |
Passion flower (passion fruit flower) | 西番莲 (xī fān lián) | Fleur de la passion/Passiflore | Passiflora edulis | In moderation – only flowers and fruits. Leaves and stems may contain cyanide. Certain species of Passiflora may be toxic. | Has calming, anti-anxiety and analgesic properties |
Pea blossom | 豌豆花 (wān dòu huā) | Fleur de pois | Pisum sativum | Yes | Contains vitamins and minerals, supports digestive health |
Peach blossom | 桃花 (táo huā) | Fleur de pêcher | Prunus persica | Yes | High in vitamins A and C, supports immune health |
Poppy | 罂粟花 (yīng sù huā) | Coquelicot | Papaver spp. | No | Can be toxic to birds |
Primrose | 报春花 (bào chūn huā) | Primevère | Primula vulgaris | Yes | Contains vitamins and minerals, supports skin health |
Red clover | 红三叶草 (hóng sān yè cǎo)/红车轴 (hóng chē zhóu) | Trèfle rouge | Trifolium pratense | Yes | High in vitamins and minerals, supports respiratory and digestive health |
Rose | 玫瑰花 (méi guī huā) | Rose | Rosa spp. | Yes | High in vitamins C and A, supports skin and immune health |
Rose hips | 玫瑰果 (méi guī guǒ) | Cynorhodon | Rosa spp. | Yes | Very high in vitamin C, supports immune health |
Rosemary flower | 迷迭香花 (mí dié xiāng huā) | Fleur de romarin | Salvia rosmarinus | Yes | Rich in antioxidants, supports cognitive health |
Sage flower | 鼠尾草花 (shǔ wěi cǎo huā) | Fleur de sauge | Salvia officinalis | Safe in moderation | Contains vitamins and antioxidants, supports digestive health |
Snapdragon | 金鱼草 (jīn yú cǎo) | Muflier | Antirrhinum majus | Yes | Contains vitamins and minerals, supports digestive health |
Squash blossom | 南瓜花 (nán guā huā) | Fleur de courge | Cucurbita pepo | Yes | High in vitamins A and C, supports immune health |
Strawflowers | 麦秆菊 (mài gǎn jú)/七彩菊 (qī cǎi jú) | Immortelle | Xerochrysum bracteatum | Yes | High in antioxidants, supports immune health |
Sunflower | 向日葵 (xiàng rì kuí) | Tournesol | Helianthus annuus | Yes | Rich in vitamins and minerals, supports skin and cardiovascular health |
Viola | 三色堇 (sān sè jǐn) | Pensée | Viola tricolor var. hortensis | Yes | High in vitamins A and C, supports skin health |
Violet | 紫罗兰 (zǐ luó lán) | Violette | Viola odorata | Yes | Contains vitamins and antioxidants, supports immune and skin health |