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what do parrots eat

The Ultimate List – 250 Safe And Toxic Foods For Parrots

What can your parrot eat? What should you avoid feeding your parrot? Below is a list of 250 (and counting) items that you may be considering to feed your parrot, but are unsure of their safety. 

Use the “search” or “find in page” function of your browser to jump to the specific food you are looking for. If the food item is underlined, it is a link to a corresponding article where you can read about the food item in greater detail!

What this table CAN do:

  • Provide general information about various foods gathered through desk research from reliable sources such as avian nutritionists, etc.
  • Provide a “to the best of our knowledge” indicator of the safety of the food item based on our assessment of its nutritional content

What this table CANNOT do:

  • Prescribe diets for specific species – different species of parrots have different needs, so you should always read up more about what your specific parrot species needs, and cross-check with various sources to formulate a diet suitable for them
  • Guarantee absolute safety or toxicity – this depends on many factors, such as size of bird, amount of food item eaten, incompatibilities with other types of food, environmental factors, specific health conditions or dietary needs of individual birds

If in any doubt, always consult with an avian nutritionist or avian veterinarian for advice.

Definitions of terms used:

  • “Yes” – Bird can eat this food without much harm generally
  • “Limited” – Generally safe, but might cause some health issues if fed in high quantities
  • “Depends” – Depends on the type of food item (or the way it is processed) – some may be safer than others
  • “No” – Usually creates issues and needs to be avoided


General remarks: Most parrots are lactose-intolerant, and while dairy is not necessarily toxic to parrots, it can cause stomach upset and diarrhea in some birds (just like for some humans). In addition, several dairy products are full of fat, sugar or salt, which are not healthy for parrots if fed frequently. Opt for low/no lactose dairy products that are low in fat, sugar, and other additive if you must feed dairy – otherwise, simply avoid it!

DairyMilk (from animals)AvoidParrots cannot digest lactose, may cause stomach upset
DairyMilk (from plants)DependsNut milk (almond, etc.), unsweetened and unflavored, are generally ok, but should only be given as a treat. Avoid bean milk.
DairyButterLimitedFull of fat; avoid (though better than margarine)
DairyCheeseLimitedParrots cannot digest lactose, may cause stomach upset
DairyCream (sour, whipped, etc.)LimitedFull of fat; avoid
DairyIce creamLimitedParrots cannot digest lactose; high in fat and sugar. Never offer alcoholic or chocolate ice cream.
DairyMargarineLimitedFull of fat; avoid
DairyYoghurtYesYoghurt with live cultures have no lactose, therefore are safe. Limit feeding flavored/sweetened yoghurts (high in sugar)


Eggs are sometimes fed to parrots as a source of protein, but bear in mind that high protein diets can result in hormonal challenges. Some aviculturists are also against the use of animal protein in parrots’ diets as parrots do not often feed on such proteins in the wild.

EggsEggsYesExcellent source of vitamin A, calcium, and protein. Great for breeding birds. Feed boiled or fried (without oil). Never offer raw or undercooked.


General remarks: Never feed any form of caffeinated teas to your parrots, but flower teas are generally safe. That being said, feed flowers in moderation and variety as some may have medicinal effects. Edible fresh or dried flowers (not those for craft-making!) can also be used as foraging material to enrich the feeding experience of your pet parrots.

Flowers/teasCarnationLimitedDo not feed dyed varieties.
Flowers/teasChamomileLimitedContain antimicrobial activities that aid in treating infections and lessening swelling.
Flowers/teasJasmineLimitedStrengthens parrot’s immunity and treats liver diseases.
Flowers/teasPassion flowerLimitedThey contain cyanide, a very toxic compound. Should only be fed in moderation.
Flowers/teasRooibosLimitedIt’s tannin free; therefore, it enhances the absorption of minerals and vitamins.
Flowers/teasCalendulaYesContain anti-inflammatory properties. Good for parrots with infections and fungus. Best when used in salads.
Flowers/teasEchinaceaYesContain anti-inflammatory properties.
Flowers/teasGreen tea/matchaNoExcellent source of antioxidants and vitamins, but it contains caffeine – avoid giving to your parrot.
Flowers/teasHibiscusYesGood source of vitamin C and also relieves parrots from high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Flowers/teasEarl greyNoUsually uses black teas as a base, which contains caffeine.
Flowers/teasOolong teaNoContains caffeine.
Flowers/teasBlack tea/red teaNoContains caffeine.
Flowers/teasRoseYesGood source of vitamin C.
Flowers/teasRose hipsYesVery high in vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties.
Flowers/teasYerba mateNoContains caffeine similar to a cup of coffee – avoid giving it to your parrot


General remarks: Other than a handful of toxic fruits and fruit parts, such as avocado, avocado stones, pits of pitted fruits (e.g. peach, cherry, apricot, etc.) and apple seeds, most fruits are generally safe. A rule of thumb is to include fruits in your parrots’ diet, but be careful of the amounts given as many fruits are high in sugar.

FruitsFruit, driedDependsDried fruits with no additives like preservatives and sugars are generally safe
FruitsClementineLimitedThey are highly acidic. So, it should be fed in moderation.
FruitsMandarinLimitedHighly acidic, may cause stomach upset if too given too much/too often
FruitsOliveLimitedThey contain too much fats and sodium chloride that may lead to overweight and high blood pressure in parrots.
FruitsPomelo (pummelo, shaddock)LimitedThey are highly acidic. So, it should be fed in moderation.
FruitsStarfruit (carambola)LimitedSeeds can be bitter and unpleasant to taste.
FruitsTamarindLimitedDoesn’t have any nutritional value and may cause allergic reactions if consumed excessively.
FruitsAvocadoNoFlesh, pit, and skin are highly toxic to parrots. They contain persin, a toxic chemical compound.
FruitsBananaYesRemove peels; often contain high amounts of pesticides (even organic ones).
FruitsBlackberryYesExcellent source of anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties that protects parrots against infections.
FruitsBlackcurrantYesExcellent source of vitamin C
FruitsBlueberryYesHigh in nutrients and lower in calories.
FruitsCantaloupeYesPacked with vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. Remove the rinds although they are not toxic but super hard for your parrot to tear.
FruitsCoconutYesIt has a unique blend of minerals and vitamins. Avoid dessicated coconut by all means because it can be fatal to parrots unless properly soaked before feeding your parrot.
FruitsCranberryYesGood source of vitamin C, antioxidants, fibre, and other minerals.
FruitsCustard apple (Cherimoya)YesAvoid seeds and pits because they are toxic. Otherwise, the flesh is a good source of antioxidants.
FruitsDateYesThere are countless of nutritional benefits associated to dates. They help promote a healthy blood flow in parrots.
FruitsDragonfruit (pitaya)YesVery high in fiber that enhances digestion in parrots. Feed dragonfruit in moderation .
FruitsDurianYesRich in vitamin C, folic acid. Husks are inedible.
FruitsElderberryYesOnly offer your parrots ripe elderberries. They are an excellent source of vitamin C.
FruitsFigYesAre very rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
FruitsGooseberryYesThey have an exotic, tart, and tangy taste that parrots really love. They are also very rich in vitamin A and vitamin C.
FruitsGrapeYesContains high sugars. So, it should be fed as a treat.
FruitsGuavaYesGood source of vitamins. Be sure to wash the fruit well before giving your bird to get rid of pesticides and other debris.
FruitsHoneydewYesThey are a good source of fiber, which is great for your parrot’s digestive tract.
FruitsJackfruitYesIt’s a delicious snack for parrots, but don’t let your bird overeat the fruit.
FruitsKiwiYesAre an excellent source of dietary fibre, antioxidants, and vitamin C that supports the digestive health and immunity of your parrot. Feed in moderation because they are a bit acidic.
FruitsKumquatYesIt’s a healthy fruit that is fully packed with vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties.
FruitsLonganYesPeels are full of pesticides, do not give. Seeds are tough, unpleasant and slightly toxic, do not give.
FruitsLoquatYesRemove the seeds and pits because they are toxic and often full of pesticides.
FruitsLychee (litchi)YesPeels are full of pesticides, do not give. Seeds are tough, unpleasant and slightly toxic, do not give.
FruitsMangoYesWash the pit thouroughly before feeding it to your parrot.
FruitsMangosteenYesAvoid the skin because it contains wax-like liquid that could possibly poison your parrot. Seeds are also so big for parrots to swallow. However, mangosteen flesh is very rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, B9, carbohydrates, manganese, and magnesium.
FruitsMulberryYesShould be offered as a treat. It’s a great source of fibre, minerals, and vitamins.
FruitsNectarineYesAvoid seeds and pits because they contain cyanide, a very toxic compound. Feed fresh nectarines since dry ones contain sulphates, which can be fatal to your bird.
FruitsOrangeYesThey are highly acidic. So, it should be fed in moderation.
FruitsPapayaYesExcellent source of fiber, fat, and protein, which are responsible for keeping your parrot fit and healthy.
FruitsPassion FruitYesWash well to get rid of pesticides.
FruitsPeachYesDo not feed pits as they contain cyanide compounds which are toxic to parrots
FruitsPearYesVery rich in vitamin A and calcium.
FruitsPersimmonYesMust only be fed when ripe. Unripe persimmon contains a very toxic compound called tannins.
FruitsPineappleYesIt’s a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes.
FruitsPlumYesDo not feed pits as they contain cyanide compounds which are toxic to parrots
FruitsPomegranateYesThey are full of antioxidants and health benefits for your bird. the pit is not so edible but both seeds and pits are safe for your parrot.
FruitsPrickly PearYesMake sure you remove the skin first.
FruitsPruneYesDo not feed pits as they contain cyanide compounds which are toxic to parrots
FruitsRaisinYesExcellent source of vitamins and nutrients.
FruitsRambutanYesPeels are full of pesticides, do not give. Seeds are tough, unpleasant and slightly toxic, do not give.
FruitsRaspberryYesYou need to clean well before feeding them to your parrot. They contain parasites and other debris that can make your parrot sick.
FruitsRose apple (jambu)YesGood source of vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, calcium, and fiber.
FruitsSoursopYesSeeds are toxic and should not be consumed.
FruitsStrawberryYesLoaded with vitamin C and antioxidants.
FruitsTangerineYesThe fruit, flesh, peels, and seeds are all safe and can offer wonderful benefits for your parrot.
FruitsWatermelonYesSeeds, flesh, and rinds are all ok.
FruitsWolfberry (goji berry)YesExcellent source of vitamin A and anti-oxidants.
FruitsAppleYes*Do not feed apple seeds as they contain cyanide compounds which are toxic to parrots
FruitsApricotYes*Do not feed pits as they contain cyanide compounds which are toxic to parrots
FruitsCherryYes*Do not feed pits as they contain cyanide compounds which are toxic to parrots
FruitsGrapefruitYes*Highly acidic, may cause stomach upset if too given too much/too often
FruitsLemonYes*Highly acidic, may cause stomach upset if too given too much/too often
FruitsLimeYes*Highly acidic, may cause stomach upset if too given too much/too often


General remarks: Several grains possess great nutritional benefits, but it is important to know which ones are better offered sprouted or raw.

GrainsBreadDependsIt’s of low nutritional value. If any, feed only whole grain, unsalted breads.
GrainsCerealDependsAvoid frosted corn flakes because they are coated with sugars making them unhealthy for parrots.
GrainsRyeDependsRye is not a good treat for your parrot because it has lots of fibers and is minimally processed.
GrainsSemolinaDependsAs long as it’s ground to a powder-like consistency.
GrainsSorghumDependsContains anti-nutrients and should be sprouted before offering. Avoid sprouted Milo sorghum because they tend to produce higher levels of toxic compounds known as dhurrins when germinated. These compounds are potentially lethal to birds.
GrainsAmaranth seedsYesContains a good amount of methionine and lysine amino acids.
GrainsBarley (whole, hulled, pearled)YesCan be served either cooked or raw. They are a good source of starch, vitamins, and minerals.
GrainsBuckwheatYesIt’s a great ingredient for parrots and has all the 8 essential amino acids. It’s also a good source of complex carbohydrates.
GrainsBulgurYesIt’s better than white rice and contains antioxidants that are good your parrot’s health.
GrainsCorn kernelYesParrots enjoy eating corn kernels but should be given in moderation. It’s an excellent source of starch.
GrainsMilletYesGood source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and protein. It’s fine food for sick, young, breeding, and new parrots.
GrainsOatsYesGood source of fiber, which is responsible for digestion in parrots.
GrainsPastaYesFull of energy-enhancing carbohydrates. Wash thoroughly to remove any salt or oil.
GrainsPopcornYesGood source of starch, iron, calcium, and fibre. Avoid microwavable, highly flavored, or excessively salted popcorns because they can be detrimental to your parrot’s health.
GrainsQuinoaYesIt’s an excellent source of phosphorous, protein, and calcium.
GrainsRice (white, brown)YesBrown rice is more nutritious than the white ones. Wash thoroughly before feeding them to your parrot because rice often contains arsenic and bacteria, which may harm your parrot. Avoid using flavors or too much oil when cooking, keep the rice as bland as possible.
GrainsSpeltYesExcellent source of zinc, which helps improve the immune system in parrots.


General remarks: Many herbs and spices can be fed to parrot and would literally “spice up” their feeding experience! Take note of those that should be fed only in moderation due to high contents of certain compounds that may cause issues in some cases.

Herbs/spicesCinnamonDependsAvoid Chinese/cassia cinnamon because they contain a lot of coumarin, a toxic blood thinner that can cause severe liver issues in parrots.
Herbs/spicesGinsengDependsShould be used cautiously in birds with heart problems, high blood pressure, hyperexcitability, bleeding problems, and many other infections.
Herbs/spicesCurry leafLimitedToo much of curry leaf can cause diarrhea.
Herbs/spicesGingerLimitedContains anti-inflammatory properties that promote overall health in parrots.
Herbs/spicesGingkoLimitedHave unpleasant smell that parrots may not like.
Herbs/spicesTurmericLimitedShould be avoided if a parrot has a broken blood feather or when he’s moulting.
Herbs/spicesNutmegNoVery toxic to parrots because it contains a narcotic compound known as myristicin. Birds who consume nutmeg suffer from vomiting, nausea, and dizziness.
Herbs/spicesBarberryYesHave a moderate antioxidant content.
Herbs/spicesBasilYesHas incredible anti-inflammatory properties that are important for your bird’s general health.
Herbs/spicesBay leafYesThey give a boost of flavor when added to a parrot’s meal. They are also an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron.
Herbs/spicesCardamomYesGreat source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and iron. They also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Herbs/spicesChivesYesCan be harmful if fed in excessive amounts.
Herbs/spicesCloveYesIt’s a great boost for your bird’s immune system since it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Herbs/spicesCoriander (cilantro)YesHas an interesting lemon-like taste and is a good source of vitamin A and C
Herbs/spicesDandelion rootYesContain high amounts of vitamin A, C, D, K, B-complex, protein, zinc, and magnesium.
Herbs/spicesDillYesSolves digestive disorders and has calming properties.
Herbs/spicesFennelYesSafe for parrots either cooked or raw. Parrots love the crunchy texture of fennel and the mild flavor. Fennel is also an excellent source of vitamins, fiber, and minerals.
Herbs/spicesGalangalYesCan be eaten fresh or cooked. Contains minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Herbs/spicesLavenderYesIt’s entirely safe for parrots, especially if it’s grown organically in untreated soil.
Herbs/spicesMarjoramYesIt’s linked to improved digestive health and reduced inflammation.
Herbs/spicesMintYesAll types of mint are safe. They relax the muscle, balance metabolism, and prevent stomach upsets. Do not expose birds to mint essential oils as they are concentrated.
Herbs/spicesNettle leafYesGood for your parrot’s skin and aids the kidneys in easing arthritis.
Herbs/spicesOreganoYesHave anti-inflammatory properties, which decreases the risk of diseases in parrots.
Herbs/spicesParsleyYesIs a good source of vitamins, but contains oxalic acid, which can prevent your parrot from absorbing calcium if fed in large quantities.
Herbs/spicesPepper (black or white)YesAre rich in vital antioxidants.
Herbs/spicesRosemaryYesContains several antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds along with irons and vitamins that are very beneficial to rour bird’s overall health.
Herbs/spicesSageYesSolves digestive disorders, supports the liver, and boosts its functionality.
Herbs/spicesStar aniseYesVery rich in vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Contains antioxidants, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, which boost parrot’s immune system.
Herbs/spicesTarragonYesRich in antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
Herbs/spicesThymeYesRich source of vitamin C, iron, copper, and manganese. Wash thoroughly to reduce the risk of pesticides.
Herbs/spicesTulsiYesContains anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties that promote overall health in parrots.


General remarks: Insects are sometimes eaten by parrots as part of their varied diets in the wild. Some insects are safe to feed in moderation as they are good sources of proteins.

InsectsWormsYesMealworms, in particular, are very rich in proteins.


General remarks: Meat can be an alternative source of protein for parrots but some are against feeding of animal proteins due to processing, use of hormone injections, the amount of fat, and the way they are prepared (cooked with oil, salt, etc.). Never feed raw meat to your birds.

MeatsMeatDependsChicken and turkey meat are the healthiest types of meat but need to be cooked (with no oil or seasoning)
MeatsSeafoodYesOnly safe if they are free of pollutants, toxins, and heavy metals.


General remarks: Nuts contain excellent sources of healthy fats and other trace nutrients and minerals for your birds, but should only be fed in moderation due to the high oil content. Some parrot species, such as macaws, are more tolerant to a diet that have higher fat content, and hence can be fed more nuts than other parrots.

NutsChestnutsDependsSome types of chestnuts may not be safe for your parrot.
NutsKolaDependsThere some types with a more bitter taste. which parrots may not like. Kola nuts have medicinal health benefits.
NutsAlmondsYesThey are an excellent source of nutrients, but should be fed in moderation due to high fat content. Avoid bitter almonds because they are highly toxic.
NutsBrazil nutsYesThey are a good source of energy and vitamins. Should be given in moderation due to their fat content.
NutsCashew NutsYesBest when fed plain and unsalted. Salted cashewnuts maybe unsafe for your parrot.
NutsHazelnutsYesThey are a good source of energy due to their unsaturated fat and protein contents.
NutsMacadamia nutsYesThey are perfectly safe for parrots as long as they are not salted. Feed in moderation due to too much fats.
NutsPeanutsYesAvoid peanut shell because it contains aflatoxin.
NutsPecansYesAvoid chocolate or spicy coated pecans because they are toxic. The shells can also be hard, but offer the pecans wiithout cracking to strenghten your parrot’s beak.
NutsPili nutsYesThey are a good source of proteins, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and antioxidants.
NutsPine nutsYesThe are loaded with minerals and vitamins that promotes general health in parrots.
NutsPistachiosYesAvoid the ones with additional flavors or excessively salted.
NutsTiger nutsYesRich in magnesium, good for birds suffering from feather loss.
NutsWalnutsYesAvoided salted walnuts or those with special coatings. Plain walnuts are a great source of proteins.

Processed Food

General remarks: Most processed foods are not healthy for parrots due to high oil, salt, and sugar contents, reduction in nutrition due to processing, or simply contain toxic compounds.

Processed foodPizzaDependsPizzas containing ingredients that are unsafe for birds should be avoided.
Processed foodChocolateNoThey contain theobrimine and caffeine chemical compounds, which are toxic to parrots.
Processed foodPretzelsNoPretzels contain too much salt, which may upset the electrolyte and fluid balance in your parrot’s body leading to excessive thirst, dehydration, and finally kidney failure.
Processed foodCheeriosYesAvoid honey nut cheerios because they contain too much sugars. Stick to original flavour cheerios.
Processed foodCrackersYesThey don’t provide any nutritional value for parrots.
Processed foodPeanut butterYesFully packed with nutrients, but it’s best fed as a treat since it’s full of additives that may not work well with your bird.


General remarks: Parrots are naturally seed-eating animals, so most seeds are suitable for them. However, like nuts, seeds tend to have a high fat content and should be fed sparingly in captive parrots. Seeds can be used as a motivating treat during training, or sprouted to reduce the amount of fat and increase the amount of beneficial nutrients in them.

SeedsCanary foodDependsCanary food often constitutes seeds. Therefore, you should feed your parrots cany food in moderation.
SeedsMustard seedsLimitedThey are not the best seeds to feed parrots. Mustard seed sprouts are better than dry ones.
SeedsChia seedsYesAre an excellent source of healthy fats and proteins.
SeedsFenugreekYesContains potassium, niacin, vitamin C, and protein. Best when sprouted.
SeedsFlaxYesGood source of essential fatty acids. It also promotes strong bones and healthy skin in parrots.
SeedsHempYesThey have an ideal balance of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
SeedsMilk thistleYesGood source of amino acids and also helps in inhibiting factors that are responsible for liver damage. Milk thistle is also a very strong antioxidant.
SeedsPoppyYesVery rich in fibre that aids in digestion. Poppy seeds also treats diarrhea.
SeedsSafflower seedsYesThey are a good source of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that provide the necessary energy and nutrition your parrot requires.
SeedsSesame seedsYesVery rich in healthy fats and proteins, but should be fed in moderation as they can lead to fatty liver diseases and obesity.
SeedsSunflower seedsYesVery high in carbohydrates and fats.
Seedswild bird seedYesCan be harmful if consumed on a daily basis since it contains a lot of fats.


General remarks: Parrot diets should consist of a large portion of raw vegetables as they contain the healthiest mix of nutrition such as vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and so on. Ensure that you wash vegetables thoroughly before feeding them to your parrots as many of them contain pesticides and herbicides.

VegetablesFiddleheadDependsSome types of fiddleheads are safe for parrots while others are toxic. While they contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as vitamin C, I wouldn’t really recommend fiddleheads for your bird.
VegetablesKaffir lime leavesDependsTechnically, kaffir lime leaves are not toxic, but they may contain lots of pesticides and chemicals if they are not properly cleaned. They are only safe for parrots if they haven’t been treated with pesticides or other chemicals. Besides, there’s a chance your parrot may not like them.
VegetablesTomatilloDependsTomatillo fruits are a great option for parrots, but tomatillo leaves and stems are highly toxic.
VegetablesGarlicLimitedTiny amounts (nibbles) are safe. Contain sulfur compounds that may irritate your bird’s crop, esophagus, and mouth. High amounts may lead to blood anemia.
VegetablesHorseradishLimitedThey contain lots of mustard oil, which can be very toxic and irritating.
VegetablesLeekLimitedTiny amounts (nibbles) are safe. Contain sulfur compounds that may irritate your bird’s crop, esophagus, and mouth. High amounts may lead to blood anemia.
VegetablesLentilsLimitedThey are a good source of protein and fiber but could have adverse effects if fed excessively. Cook before feeding them to your parrot to get rid of anti-nutrients such as tannins and phytic acid.
VegetablesMushroomsLimitedFresh mushrooms from grocery stores can be fed in small quantities. Mushrooms exposed to UV light or sunlight prior to packing are great sources of vitamin D
VegetablesOnionLimitedTiny amounts (nibbles) are safe. Contain sulfur compounds that may irritate your bird’s crop, esophagus, and mouth. High amounts may lead to blood anemia.
VegetablesOnion, spring (scallions)LimitedTiny amounts (nibbles) are safe. Contain sulfur compounds that may irritate your bird’s crop, esophagus, and mouth. High amounts may lead to blood anemia.
VegetablesRhubarbLimitedLeaves are unsafe; stalks contain oxalic acid (not good for parrots) but are safer if cooked
VegetablesShallotsLimitedTiny amounts (nibbles) are safe. Contain sulfur compounds that may irritate your bird’s crop, esophagus, and mouth. High amounts may lead to blood anemia.
VegetablesTomatoLimitedContains too much acid. Vines and leaves are poisonous.
VegetablesCassava (yuca, manioc)NoContains cyanide compound, which is very toxic to parrots.
VegetablesAmaranth leafYesIs a good source of lysine and methionine. It’s also rich in antioxidants which limits damages caused by free radicals in a parrot’s body.
VegetablesArrowrootYesLow in fats. So, it can be good for weight management.
VegetablesArtichokeYesGreat source of vitamin C, potassium, and fibre.
VegetablesArugulaYesGood source of vitamin A and C, which helps maintain a healthy immune system in parrots.
VegetablesAsparagusYesGood source of vitamins, but it’s not a natural food for parrots. Raw asparagus can be very hard to chew.
VegetablesBamboo shootYesBamboo shoots are safe for parrots provided they have not been treated any toxic chemicals. Cook for about 20 minutes to get rid of cyanogeni glycosides compounds.
VegetablesBean, blackYesBlack beans are only safe when cooked. Uncooked black beans contain hemagluttinin, a very toxic compound that can harm parrots.
VegetablesBean, cannelliniYesBe sure to completely cook cannellini beans before offering them to your parrot. Raw or undercooked cannellini beans can be extremely harmful to your parrot.
VegetablesBean, fava (broadbean)YesRaw or dried beans are very toxic. They contain a poisonous compound called hemagglutinin.
VegetablesBean, garbanzo (chickpeas)YesThey contain high amount of zinc, manganese, iron, folate, carbohydrate, and proteins. Avoid raw garbanzo beans because they can be unhealthy and difficult to digest. Cook the chickpeas so soften the texture.
VegetablesBean, greenYesThey are a great source of fiber and are also loaded with essential vitamins and minerals.
VegetablesBean, kidneyYesMake sure they are thouroughly cooked before offering them to your bird. Otherwise, they are a great way to add more proteins and fiber to your parrot’s diet.
VegetablesBean, limaYesThey are safe as long as they are cooked well before offering to parrots.
VegetablesBean, mungYesTher are not safe when eaten dry. You can sprout mung beans for three to four days before feeding them to your parrot.
VegetablesBean, pintoYesCook or sprout pinto beans before offering them to your parrot.
VegetablesBean, red (adzuki)YesCooked red beans are safe for parrots. Raw, dry red beans can possibly ham your parrot because they contain a very toxic compound known as hemagglutinin.
VegetablesBean, soy (edamame)YesIt’s a good source of proteins and amino acids. Cook well before serving them to yor parrot.
VegetablesBeet (beetroot)YesA great source of vitamins and minerals. Great for regulating blood pressure and preventing inflammations.
VegetablesBell peppers (capsicum)YesAn excellent source of vitamin C.
VegetablesBitter melon (bittergourd)YesExcellent source of vitamin C, which pays a major role in parrot’s immune system.
VegetablesBok Choy (pak choi)YesIt’s an excellent source of calcium which helps maintain muscle health and bone density in parrots.
VegetablesBroccoliYesWash it well if you’re feeding raw.
VegetablesBrussel sproutYesVery rich in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids.
VegetablesBurdock rootYesSource of inulin and fibre that aids digestion in parrots.
VegetablesCabbage, greenYesContains oxalic acid, which doesn’t cause a problem unless your parrot is calcium deficient.
VegetablesCabbage, redYesA good source of vitamin K, calcium, zinc, and magnesium.
VegetablesCarrotYesAn excellent source of vitamin A.
VegetablesCauliflowerYesIs a good source of vitamins, antioxidants, magnesium, phosphorous, and fibre. Apll parts can be consumed including the leaves.
VegetablesCeleryYesFeed only in moderation. Remove the stringy parts to prevent constipation and crop compaction.
VegetablesCelery rootYesIt’s a good source of vitamin B-complex, vitamin K, vitamin C, and antioxidants which combats inflammation in parrots.
VegetablesChicory (Curly Endive)YesParrots can eat all types of endives. The curly endive has a good amount of vitamin K and is also a low-calorie vegetable.
VegetablesChilli peppersYesToo much chilli pepper can cause sensitivity or digestive issues.
VegetablesCollardYesContain lots of vitamins, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties which are essential for keeping parrots healthy.
VegetablesCornYesCorn is very rich in vitamin C and fibre. However, they are high in starch, can spike blood sugar and cause excess weight in parrots.
VegetablesCucumberYesFresh cucumbers are ok. Do not feed pickled ones.
VegetablesDaikon (Japanese radish)YesGood source of antioxidants, calcium, and potassium. Best when fed along with other vegetables like kales, endive, carrots, broccoli, and many others.
VegetablesDandelion greensYesWash well to remove dirt. Parrots love their bitter taste and they are also a good source of vitamin A, B1, and C.
VegetablesEggplant (brinjal, aubergine)YesEggplant can be bitter because it contains solanine, but it’s high in folic acid, which is responsible for processing amino acids and proteins. Avoid eggplant leaves because they are very toxic.
VegetablesEndivesYesParrots can eat all types of endives. Endives are also safe for parrots and they are very important vegetables for your parrot’s diet. They contain more vitamin K than most vegetables.
VegetablesFennelYesThey are very safe for parrots and can be served either cooked or raw. Fennels are a good source of vitamin C which is critical for the immune health of parrots.
VegetablesJicamaYesExcellent source of vitamins and starch. Remove the jicama’s skin if it’s not organic.
VegetablesKaleYesGood source of vitamins and minerals.
VegetablesLemongrassYesContains components that are responsible for relieving pain and swelling as well as improving cholesterol level in blood.
VegetablesLettuce, bataviaYesExcellent choice of lettuce for your parrot. It’s a good source of vitamin A, calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin C. It’s low in fats and calories.
VegetablesLettuce, icebergYesLittle nutritional value, so should be given in moderation.
VegetablesLettuce, leafYesWash well to get rid of pesticides and other chemicals.
VegetablesLettuce, redYesVery rich in vitamin K, but should be fed in moderation.
VegetablesLotus rootYesGood source of vitamins and minerals.
VegetablesMustard greensYesGood source of vitamins. They also rejuvenate parrot skin and relaxes nervous birds.
VegetablesOkra (ladyfinger)YesIt’s a good source of vitamin A, K1, C, and antioxidants. They help regulate blood sugar and promote a healthy heart.
VegetablesPandanYesParrots absolutely love its fragrance. You can buy pandan for your parrots to play with. Pandan leaves also emit a very nice smell when shredded.
VegetablesParsnipYesContains lots of antioxidants and vitamin C that boost the immune system of parrots.
VegetablesPea, black-eyedYesIt’s an excellent dietary constituent. they contain many nutrients such as proteins, vitamin A, and manganese. However, they should be cooked well before feeding them to your parrots.
VegetablesPea, sweetYesContains an intense flavor that most parrots love.
VegetablesPeas, greenYesSprouted peas are far more nutritious than raw or cooked ones. Green peas are a great source of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Feed green peas in moderation.
VegetablesPeas, snowYesParrots enjoy eating snow peas because of their crunchy texture. They are a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber. They can be cooked or boiled to soften their texture, but parrots love them raw.
VegetablesPeas, sugar snapYesThey provide a satisfying crunch and an intense flavor that most parrots enjoy since they can be eaten raw.
VegetablesPotatoYesAvoid uncooked potatoes, french fries (salted and oily), and potato peels.
VegetablesPotato, sweetYesRich in vitamin A, vitamin C, fibre, manganese, and antioxidants. Can be offered raw or steamed.
VegetablesPumpkinYesRich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, but it should be fed in moderation.
VegetablesRadishYesVery rich in calcium, which promotes healthy and strong bones in parrots
VegetablesSpinachYesGood source of vitamins and antioxidants, but should be fed in moderation.
VegetablesSquash, butternutYesIt’s filled with lots of nutrients and minerals, making it a superfood for parrots. Make sure you cut into chunks that your parrot can handle.
VegetablesSwiss chardYesIt’s an excellent food option for parrots. It’s a great source of calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium.
VegetablesTurnipYesEnsure it’s washed thoroughly before feeding it to your bird.
VegetablesWatercressYesExcellent source of calcium, which is essential for healthy feathers and strong bones in parrots.
VegetablesYamYesYams are very safe for parrots so long as you don’t add anything like butter or salt. They are an excellent source of vitamin A.
VegetablesZucchini (courgette)YesIt’s very healthy for birds. Give your parrot raw or steamed zucchini so that he can get most of the nutrients.


MiscellaneousHoneyDependsHoney habors bacteria and grows mold, which could harm your bird’s health. Bees also concentrate herbicides and pesticides in their honey, making it not suitable for parrot consumption.
MiscellaneousSpicy foodDependsParrots love spicy food more than even humans. However, some spices may not be safe for them. For example, cassia/Chinese cinnamon, which contains high levels of coumarin is very toxic to parrots and can cause liver damage.
MiscellaneousAloe veraYesIt promotes healthier liver functions. Avoid aloe vera leaves and sap because they contain a compound known as aloin that can cause intestinal irritations.
MiscellaneousGrassYesHelps an overweight parrot get back in shape because it plays a role in regenerating and detoxifying the liver.

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